Tuesday, February 9, 2010

So Out of Touch

Seriously, our "puter" got sick and we've been without. The world takes on new meaning with realizing that life can and must go on without internet service. It was hard, but we did it! (wink) lol
Anyway, I can finally blog about my awesome ornie package I got from Missy last month! How great, huh?!
I got new specs last week, too! I really, really like them. I wasnt sure how I'd do with the chunky look, but I dig 'em! :o) I also dared to cut my hair, not too short...Its gonna be gradual, but you can def. see a difference.
I have a million and twenty projects Im working on, including a couple of handbags, an ornament, table runner, round robin & oh yeah..a balloon valance...But Im here writing in this thing..I better go!


Unknown said...

Love your new "look"! : )

Chickens in the Basement said...

Hey Niki,

I love the glasses. I, too, have chunky glasses. I believe if you have to wear them, you might as well decorate your face with them. If I could find some with rhinestones, I would SOOO wear them!

Just wanted to let you know a package will be in the mail to you tomorrow. Hope you like what I've come up with. I sure have had fun working on them.

Hope your Valentine's Day was fun!

Yarni Gras! said...

oh I love the glasses on you!