Monday, February 1, 2010

New this week...

Woo hoo! I got my new ornie partner (yay, Anna! & my last partner, Melissa) It's fairies this month! Woo hoo!
Hmm, I have the day off tomorrow...Woo! Jon & I are gonna have a day date while the girls are in school and I'm gonna get some much needed housework done.
Haven't been sewing too much lately, but here is the ornie I sent out for last month on the YOE Swap.
Its wasnt hard at all I found a really great tutorial by googling quilted ornaments...Way cool!

I still haven't gotten the guts to cut my hair shorter than my shoulders...I struggle between these 10 crappy lbs. but for the most part, I feel so DARN GOOD!
Hope you're well! XOXO

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