It's been busy trying to get life back together since Granny and my sister were here. I've re decorated every room in the house. Of course, though, I redecorated with things I already had. I moved things from one room to another. My dining room looks pretty great, with the re arrange. I even made some gorgeous tafetta curtains to finish the room off. I founf the fabric for $1.95 a yard, so $18 later, wa la! I have these elegant curtains.
I also, cut my hair a little shorter tonight. Hubby didn't freak, so I know I can go a little shorter. Will try and get a good pic.
Hmm...I cleaned my sewing room and found a ton of goodies for my future YOE swap buddies. I think I may also do a giveaway. What do you think?
Deb is hosting Bootcamp for Shop owers this week. I speak between 1-2 tomorrow about Social Media Marketing. Wish me luck. I always get nervous speaking in front of strangers.
Hope everyone is having a great week. OOOHH! I almost forgot, anyone else reading ,
Dear John? I'm on part two, I love it!