Thursday, November 18, 2010


Wow, I can't believe how long its been! Halloween has come and gone and Thanksgiving is just NEXT WEEK!
I went to Houston Quilt Market last month! It was so much fun! I think I spent more time socializing, than shopping for ideas and new products, but that's ok!! I don't get to see Ellen Medlock, Keri Beyer, Ty Pennington and Pat Sloan on a regular basis! Yeah so, I "had" a pic of me & Ty but somehow dont anymore....I still got some more paparazzi pics of him though..I was too shy to go back and ask for another :) It was a good time, though! Here are some of the pics!

From top to bottom - 2 of  the 3 Dudes Quilting trio in Arizona, Ellen Medlock & I, Pat Sloan & I, Keri Beyer & I, and Gene our Moda Rep & I!  I had so much fun! I'll have to get all my quilt pictures edited to share from the museum part of the show! There are some absolutely breath taking quilts in there and some that will just make you cry. Just beautiful!

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