Friday, September 24, 2010

Special K Challenge: Day 4

Well, I must admit this is more of a challenge than I thought....I allowed myself to eat something bad and I can't say that I'm all that thrilled about this plan, but it has encouraged me to pay attention to what I'm eating, record what I am eating and then really think about how I can continue to eat healthier...Really, after the 14 days, its unrealistic to think I will continue to eat cereal , cereal bars and protein shakes...I just won't and not many people will...That's unreasonable to think someone will limit themselves to that and then only have one meal with "real" food....At least for me it isnt, ya know to get down a dress size, but those temporary diets arent good for you...
 Dieting isn't to lose weight as much as it is to feel better and make better food choices, for me.  I've decided that I really need to imply the saying "eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar".  I usually skip breakfast, snack until lunch, then snack after lunch and over eat at dinner, just to go to bed afterward.  So, here's my plan...I will eat a good breakfast, not just a cereal bar or 3/4 cup of cereal, snack on fruit or almonds (yummy), drink my lunch or have something kinda light, dinner, limit my portions to about 1/2 of what I would usually eat.  I think this can work...we'll see...
 Fun fact: (interesting, actually) I was getting ready to have cereal for dinner last night when I decided to label compare with my kids' cereal. The special K cereal that I was going to eat had, more calories, fat, carbs and sugar than my kids' Lucky Charms!! Can you beleive that??  I will be doing a lot more label comparisons now...Its actually kinda fun & interesting!
9/21 beginning weight - 183lbs
Goal Weight - 150lbs

So, I may have a new view tomorrow, but thought I would tell someone...:P

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I'm Special .....K that is

Yes, I saw the commercial and instantly knew I wanted to take the challenge..Like seriously, who doesn't want to lose a dress size in two weeks!?
So, I actual began my 14 day challenge yesterday. I went to the store picked up some Special K cereal, cereal bars, granola bars....and wheat bread....ordinarily I eat white bread...Now, I can see h ow you can lose the weight and inches, because you're not eating anything...You're eating Special K products and then a meal once a day...I can see myself turning this into a new way of eating...but with substitutions...I did really well only consuming 1300 calories yesterday...I didn't realize how much I usually ate until I began my diary of everything I put into my mouth...Just to see, I made up a list of stuff I might throw into my mouth on a "normal" day and Holy Schmoly I was consuming about 6000 calories or more a day....We constantly have cookies or pies or cakes sitting out around work and then I eat out at lunch and then dinner and snacks and then at least once on the weekends...I had no wonder I'm gaining weight...
So, day two, I'm already at about 1320, so this means, I'll probably have a protein shake or something for dinner...yikes! When I did the calculations for how many calories you should consume to maintain my desired weight it was 1800, Im trying to stay at about 1300-1500 the first couple weeks and as I lose and am more active physically, increase my calories...this isn't easy, guys!
Wish me at least 2 dress sizes less and a ton of energy! That's all... lol

Saturday, September 11, 2010

New House

Holy Schmoly I havent posted in here in a while...well, Im not even gonna promise that I will post more often...I need to just do it LOL

Well, I love the idea of our YOE swap creature being a mouse this month! I can finally put a little more into this month, now that we arent in the middle of moving!

 But, since last time....We've closed on our house...Aug.30th to be exact and a week later I had everything unpacked and the house decorated!! Seriously, you know when you really want something so bad or there is something you are so excited about that you can't help but think about it and want to do it all the time...Well, thats what it was with our new..ahem...First House!! I couldnt wait to make it "mine" and I didnt! LOL
 Here is a pic of when you first walk in the front door..A little fuzzy, my camera is dying on me, I think...But isnt it cute??!! We did a major downsize, but I can't say that I miss anything about the big house or the big mess there always was to clean...The girls are super excited too....They even keep their rooms clean (hope I dont jynx myself for writing that)

 I'll be hosting a Virtual Open House Warming party the first weekend in October, so you guys have to be sure to come back and check it out...So many people ask to see the house...I'm gonna walk through and video & post to You tube for a short while! Will have "refreshments" on the blog that day, including some of my favorite recipes and anything else I can think to share that someone other than me might like!

Well, good talking to ya again!