Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Well, it's been a slow yet busy week. I swear this diet is getting harder everyday! I'm trying, though..must...not....give....up...:oP I have no other comments on it tonight.

So, my creative side is reading my wonderful book from the book swap from SarahBeth. I love it! I'm making some Thanksgiving & Christmas nspkin rings from Ellen Medlock. She has some really great new stuff out. All DIY. Check her out! Here's some of hers. I'll get mine posted as soon as they're done.
This weekend is our 4th annual girls shopping day. My BFF Trish & I take Kim, a coworker's daughter out so far every holiday to do fun stuff and shop. She's very special to us. We just love her! Anyway, we'r taking her the WInnsboro Christmas in the Park? I think thats what it's called. Will be sure to get tons of pics and show you what we find. There's gonna be crafts!
What are you up to? Are you working on any holiday crafts?


Sarah Elizabeth said...

I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying the book! I can't wait to hear what you think of it when you finish it! It went straight to my favorite's list when I read it this summer! :)

in regards to your diet, keep it up - it always gets the hardest a week or two in and once you make it through that point, you can do anything! :)

Unknown said...

you are SO crafty! I dont think i have a DIY bone in my body